Sunday, January 26, 2014

Church Yard Bell

Meneely Bell
Saints Peter and Paul Episcopal Church

Bells, the poor man's only music.
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
More interpretations at InSPIREd Sunday.


  1. makes me want to turn that bell - i wonder what the tune is like? our church i grew up in is very loud ... we played it on our wedding night ... gorgeous. but loud. ha. ha!! ( :

  2. «Louis» wishes you would give the location of the images you post! There's no clue other than visual on your blog of your location. This seems to be on the east coast somewhere... :-)

    «Louis» posted a Methodist Church dating from the 19th century located near the Pacific Ocean in Half Moon Bay, California.

  3. I like hearing the church bells and like how you captured the beauty of this one.

  4. Nice churchyard. I visited a Church in the Uk where the bell towere was seperate from the church. Think I wrote a blog on the place
